Donna Marie Merritt's grandmother came to America from Scotland when she was a wee lass, and she remembers her great-grandmother speaking with a marvelous Scottish brogue. When she was in college, Donna spent a semester studying in Edinburgh, Scotland. She jotted down many lovely phrases and words she heard and tucked the list away to write about one day. It's finally the day! OCH AYE!
Hush That Hullabaloo! is a rollicking, rhyming, read-aloud set in Scotland, full of Scottish words that will delight readers as they repeat the catchy phrases and imitate a Scottish brogue. Grandpa Goose is grouchy as the lads and lassies make a mess in his "hoose" and lots of noise—a hullabaloo! Grandma soothes him with the refrain, "Wheesht, wheesht, / It's only the wee ones. / Wheesht, wheesht, / Only the wee ones." Can you figure out what the hullabaloo is all about before Grandpa Goose does?
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Currently booking school and library visits along with Scottish festivals in the New England area. Request a visit through the Contact page.