Sites to Explore
Literacy, Poetry, Protecting our Earth
The Literacy Site enables you to put books into the hands of children, FREE. There is no cost to you; it's paid for by sponsors.
ProLiteracy America provides training and grants to support programs that combine literacy with economic self-reliance, health, education, peace, human rights, and environmental projects.
The American Library Association has plenty of up-to-date articles and helpful links. ALA was founded in 1876 to provide services that "enhance learning and ensure access to information to all."
Poetry for Children is a fabulous blog by Sylvia Vardell, author and university professor, about "finding and sharing poetry with young people."
Especially for Kids and Teens has a special section for young authors on places to submit stories, art, and poems.
The Telling Room is another great resource for young writers with plenty of practical advice.
National Geographic Kids has superb videos, activities, and games about nature.
Planet Pals is a great way to learn about caring for our Earth.