CLICK HERE for an interview with the author! (starts about the 11:15 mark)

Dear Reader,

Bible Poems for Reflection and Response was 10 years in the making: seven to write, two to find a publisher, and one to print and release. I felt God asking me to trust Him in undertaking such a huge project. And I did. I sincerely hope and pray it speaks to some hearts. At times the poems are encouraging and uplifting. Other poems ask that you step out of your comfort zone and react as Christ would. Not easy for anyone.

Not sure if you’re a poetry person? These poems are accessible, no obscure poetic language, no hidden meanings. They range from traditional rhyme to haiku to free verse. There is something for everyone and yet you will find that the poems seem to speak personally to you.

You don’t have to read it in sequence. Jump around if you like. Read a poem every day or twice a day or once a week. This is your book to read and interpret as you like. You can read the Bible verses suggested (and beyond) or simply the poems or both. This is your book.

And because it’s your book, you will find space to respond to what you’re reading and feeling. By adding your thoughts, prayers, reflections, poems, drawings, or doodles, this book will truly become a conversation between you and our Father.

With Peace, Prayer, and Poetry,

Donna Marie Merritt

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